Adaptive Solutions

For a Sustainable Future

Our Mission

PAIR Kenya exists to improve the lives of pastoralist communities through strategic innovations and initiatives that facilitate economic growth, resilience and a sustainable future for all.

Thematic Areas

Livelihoods and Economic Empowerment

PAIR aims to enhance the economic capabilities of pastoralist communities by training in sustainable livelihood, entrepreneurship and market access. We focus on creating alternative income sources to reduce dependency on aid and traditional pastoralism, which is increasing vulnerability to climate change. Collaboration with the private sector facilitates market...

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

PAIR will collaborate with government institutions and pastoralist communities to implement climate smart practices that reduce green house gas emissions and enhance the adaptive capacity of pastoralists communities. This includes promoting renewable energy solutions, water conservation techniques and drought resistant agricultural practices...

Natural Resource Management and Environmental Conservation

Advocacy for sustainable management of natural resources is central to PAIR’s mission. We will support community-led conservation initiatives that balance ecological health with economic needs, ensuring the sustainability of vital resources. Collaborations with the private sector through CSR initiatives...


PAIR will continuously emphasize the importance of education in empowering pastoralist communities. We promote access to education through infrastructure development, awareness programs and scholarships that equip learners with necessary skills for thriving in a changing environment. By collaborating with the private sector...
peacebuilding pair kenya


Promoting peace and social cohesion is essential for the stability of pastoralist communities. We engage in dialogue and conflict resolution initiatives to foster understanding and cooperation among diverse communities. Through awareness creation and community development projects. We facilitate engagement with leaders to...

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